October,30, 2023

Welcome traveler, to the catalouge of Forbidden Knowledge. Today I present to you the first in a long line of deeper dives into the mystrious world of mythology and demonology. Or what I'll call Mythology Monday.

For Our first deep dive I want to start of still obscure but a bit more basic. This weeks topic is the lesser key of solomon.

Ok, yeah, I know everyone knows about solomon and his ars goetia, But today we'll be talking about much more than the goetia but the ars Theurgia Goetia, ars Paulina, ars Almandel and the ars Notoria

Skipping the ars goteia and going straight into the ars Theurgia. The ars Theurgia like the Geotia is a book containing seals of a multidude of creatures. Where the two seem to diverge howerver, is that the goetia is used to seal demons while the Theurgia is used to seal spirits. There are exactly 31 named spirits in the ars Theurgia each repersenting a different one of the cardinal directions(North, south, east and west) along with having a various number of dukes associated with them(some of which aren't named and will make this a bit longer than i want it to be.

These spirits are as follows:


Wandering Princes

:/ Ok so that was alot more than i expected to have to do. I totally encouarge you to do some more research on these dudes. They're all really interesting. Like appearntly some off these guys varry in strenght depending on the time they are summoned at. Some may take a simple google search but alot may take a fair amount of digging. I hope I've at least struck a bit of curiosity or interest for you guys to look into.

Until Next week when I cover the arsPaulina. May this forbidden knowledge not drive you down a spiral of insanity. Have a great week!